thank you.
i'm sorry.
i miss you.
i love you.
i am hurt.
i forgive you.
you matter.
you matter to me.
life is hard.
and life is lovely.
treat me how you want to be treated.
love me.
i am ok.
you are beautiful.
things get better.
hold my hand.
i am strong.
you are strong.
Even if your hands are shaking. Even if all you do is whisper.
Too often we're afraid of our own feelings to just say. Too often we're afraid of others' feelings to simply say.
When you say, you heal. Healing is good. Healing is necessary.
When you say, you acknowledge & are aware. You acknowledge yourself & you acknowledge others. You are aware of your heart. Other hearts.
When you say, you feel. Feeling is what ties us together. Feelings make us whole.
When you say, you breathe. You exhale.