I have spent the last few days designing a new banner for my Etsy shop which, in turn, led me to use the same design to create some new business cards & packaging materials. Take a look:
I could have chosen something colorful, crazy, & tacky (all of which I LOVE) but something about the bricks just spoke to me. The main elements used to make a brick are relatively simple: usually clay & sand. And when you look at a completed brick it is also a pretty simple object. A single brick is strong, but when we put a bunch together....Think about all the things you can build with bricks: streets for traveling, garden walls for beautification & order, fireplaces for warmth, & homes in which we raise our families....
The bricks remind me of what I am doing with myself: building a strong foundation for me & my family. They also make me think of the items I make. Alone the materials are fairly simple. But when I put them all together, they are simply wonderful....
They look good! I really like the brick background. One thing I notice though is that the text kind of fades into the background a little bit which might be an issue when printed at actual size, especially with the business card. A couple things you might try would be a font with thicker letters and/or a different color font. Maybe a darker burgundy or something?