Some of you may know from a recent Facebook status of mine that I am --- in a nutshell --- in lazy lardass mode when it comes to exercise. Many of you suggested various ways to de-lardass myself; one of you lunatics even invited me to do a triathalon. I would strongly consider robbing a large bank to get a body like yours, Amanda, before I would consider a triathalon. But it was a nice gesture....And if you've known me for any length of time you know I am about as athletic as a rock. I big, gigantic, been around since the 3rd day (I'm just assuming that's the day God chose to create rocks....I could be wrong) of time, ROCK. I have been hit with every type of sports ball one can fathom & I recently fell down in the kitchen when trying to perfect my dance moves. I tend to explain away my unathleticism on various health issues, poor time management, the demands & joys of parenting, blah, blah, blah. But the honest to God's 3rd day rocks truth is I am just plain lazy. I would far prefer to sleep or read a good book in my free time above all else. I also love to be creative & make lovely things, but that has also gone by the wayside as of late due to my overwhelming laziness. I am hoping the cure for some of my laziness is Spring. And this first Big Step....
One of the suggestions to help elevate my less than amazing status was signing up for a 5K. Several people suggested them, even crazy triathlete Amanda (who is truly inspiring in how she takes care of her body through exercise My brother suggested I sign up for something called the Diva Dash. Like I'm a diva or something....Despite all the wonderful suggestions I wrote them all off & thought I could devise a plan all on my own. Besides, I could NEVER do a 5K. Or a triathalon. Instead of taking action, though, I went right back to lazy. But one particular 5K race has stayed on my mind since that day. My dear friend of nearly 20 years, Angie, told me she is running the Angel Day Race & suggested I sign up too. I decided to look at the information for the race to see what cause Angie would be supporting. This is what I found. The Maguire Gilner Angel Day Run is to honor all the babies who have gone to Heaven before us; it also raises funds to help parents cover the expense of a headstone to honor their Angel babies. This particular event has struck a huge chord in my heart. Two amazing families I love dearly have experienced the loss of their beautiful baby boys, E was born sleeping 20 weeks early & L was here on Earth for 6 months before he flew away. I simply cannot fathom what it must be like to feel your child, to hold him close, then have him leave your physical world so suddenly. By now you may know my husband & I have also experienced the loss of a child through miscarriage. Eight to be exact. While I never got to hold my children, change their nannies, or hear them laugh, I can assure you the loss I feel is very real &, at times, overwhelming.
No one wants to think about babies leaving this Earth before their parents or pregnancies that end so devastatingly. But it happens.
Today I signed up for the Maguire Gilner Angel Day Run & Titus Tot Trot as my first 5K to honor our eight Angel babies as well as celebrate our two beautiful daughters here on Earth with us. I decided that if I couldn't start taking better care of myself for me, I WOULD start taking better care of myself for our children. I am grateful my small contribution will support other parents in honoring their children. I plan to make the Angel Day Run the beginning of a new lifestyle for me. And with every step I take, I know that I will have 20 little feet taking them with me.
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