Last week I did a mini interview with my big little girl, Karsen Hope. I LOVED hearing her answers & plan on doing Q&A's with her regularly....Maybe I'll even let her ask me some questions next time.
Which got me thinking: Owynne's vocabulary is completely ridiculous for someone her age (22 months), so how much fun would it be to interview her?! I decided to do just that at lunch today. Here's what happened:
What is your name?: Me.
How old are you, Owynne?: Guht.
You're good?: Yuh.
Well, that's nice. I see it's lunch time. What are you eating?: Eat. Pop. Corn. Look me!
What song do you like to sing?: OOOOOOoooo! Yeh-yo song! (she dances in her chair)
Do you like to go nigh night?: Uh-huh.
Who do you go nigh night with in your bed?: Chu-cho bed. Papa ego seep. Nigh night, Mama.
You go nigh night in your bed with Cheerios & a papa eagle sleeps?: Mmm-hm.
Allllllright. Do you like to go outside?: Mmm-hm.
What do you like to do outside?: Mo boobyeuh.
You want more berries? Mmm-hm. Yotsth boobyeuh!
What are you going to be for Halloween?: Yuh-yo pinthesth.
A yellow princess? I thought you said you wanted to be an orange princess.: Oh.
Hey, where's puppy?: Out-thide.
What is she doing?: OUT! THIDE!
OK, OK, but what is she doing?: OUUUUUT! THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDE!!!!!
Alright, gee whiz.... Eat gass. Yuv eat gass.
Puppy loves to eat grass?: Yuh.
How are you feeling?: Guht. HUM! HUM!
Huh? Who says "hum hum"?: Yama sezth HUM! HUM!
Oh, a Llama says "hum hum"?: Yuh. Mo boobyeuh.
I don't think you need any more berries.... WHHHHHHHHHHHY?!?!?
Well, because you've had enough & too many more might hurt your bottom. Oh. WHY?
Owynne, what makes you happy?: Yuh-yo pinthseth.
A yellow princess makes you happy?: Yuh.
What else makes you happy?: Yuh-yo shoesth. Geen shoesth. Geen toesth.
Yellow shoes & green shoes make you happy? Yuh. Geen toesth.
Yes, you have green toes....(It is at this time O puts her feet on the table, takes off her socks, & puts them in one of the places on her divided plate)
What makes you super happy?: Puh-puh.
Your puh-puh makes you super happy?: PUH! PUUUUUUUUUUH! MOMMY GET OUT! HAH-OPE!
You want help? Are you all done eating?: OUUUUUUUUUUUUT!!!!! PUH-PUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HODEJU MOMMY!
After she was freed from the prison that is her booster chair, I decided to ask Owynne Faith one more question....
Hey, Owynne, who do you love?: Yah yah yuv.
La la love? Uh-huh.
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