Thursday, December 22, 2011


So, I pulled some tendons or whatever in my arm & typing sucks right now. Be back soon!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

On Being Thankful

* I am thankful for music & all the magical qualities it possesses
* I am thankful for my husband, the growth we've experienced together, & our future
* I am thankful for our happy, healthy, beautiful girls
* I am thankful for Pinterest & the time I waste  utillize researching new creative endeavors
* I am thankful for my mommy & my daddy
* I am thankful for my kickass sister & brother
* I am thankful for friends
* I am thankful for sweatpants
* I am thankful for sleep
* I am thankful for my sewing machine
* I am thankful for dance parties in the kitchen 
* I am thankful for every person that has ever walked in to my life as a lesson, a blessing, or a blesson
* I am thankful for knowing myself, staying true to who I am, & never apologizing for it
* I am thankful for ponytail holders
* I am thankful for socks
* I am thankful for books; I love them 
* I am thankful for sunshine

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sunday is Late Again, But Lesson Worthy

Good point, Al.
Big Al is right, you know. Nothing good ever came from standing idly by, sheepishly watching while people do harm to others, our world, or themselves. Stand up. 

Friday, November 4, 2011

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Icky Weather Fun

The weather has finally taken a real turn for the ick, bringing rain, cold temps, & cooties. To raise our spirits, O & I decided to do some baking. For all my baking friends reading this, do not judge me on what you're about to see. It was fast & easy ---- the perfect combination for baking with a little Weasel. 
 That's it. You just mix them together:

Then, because it doesn't have any raw egg that may cause botulism or whatev, you get to lick the bowl!

 Here's what it looks like when it's all done:

And it's delish.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Whoopsie It's Tuesday So Should Post the Sundayness

 Funny Music Ecard: Why, yes. Yes I DO frequently burst into song, damnit.

I honestly do this multiple times a day. I'm sure my family & friends would say having me in their lives is like living in a musical. I can find a song lyric for just about any scenario; if I can't find a song that fits I'll make up my own.  If you have yet to burst into song I highly recommend you give it a try ---- It's awesome. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Surprise Project

C & I LOVE this song. Well, really we love anything DMB does....This one is particularly important to us. So when I saw this on Pinterest I knew I wanted to make one for us, but put my own spin on it. 

I drug the girls to Hobby Lobby to find some letters; here's what we found:

We have a whole bunch of scrap wood in our back yard from building the girls' swing set (we'll get to that in another post). I picked through the pieces until I found some I liked.

My original idea was to use the longer piece of wood so the project would be more linear & would fit in the space above our headboard, but below the vent. Stupid vent....Well, the big piece of wood was stinkin' HEAVY & the whole thing would have to be bolted to the wall. Plan B: I found two more wood pieces the size of the one in front. The pieces I chose were pretty beat up & had nail holes in them. I love them. I spray painted the letters a chocolate brown & used a watered lime green paint on the boards. Then I used an antiquing glaze over the boards. The boards weren't as green as I hoped after the glaze, but I decided that was okay. 

I wanted to finish the whole thing & put it on the wall without telling C; see how long it took for him to notice. But I kind of needed help attaching the boards together, so he helped me by putting the boards together with a metal stick thingy one the back & a hanging wire. "Metal stick thingy". WOW. Probably a good thing I asked for his help....

Here's how it looks on our wall: 

This is my most favorite thing I have ever made. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Nap Time Pinterest Project

On our recent trip to Lake of the Ozarks my sweet husband helped me hunt for acorns to use for a project I found on Pinterest. I heart Pinterest, but I spend waaaaaay too much time pinning & not enough doing. This week I have made THREE things from my Pinterest boards: Gnocchi Soup, Artisan Bread, & my own version of  this project. Rock on.


Cute, huh?! The original idea uses material stuffed with polyfil for the acorn body, but I could not get my cone shapes to look like I wanted so I just covered the actual acorn with fabric. Haven't decided if I'll keep them in the candy corn dishes or put them in a clear vase on the table.

Now to get to work on the 80,000 yards of tulle I bought for the girls' Halloween costumes....EeK. 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Not Always Easy, But Worth It Sunday

Two roads diverged in a wood, 
and I ---
I took the one less traveled by, 
And that has made all the difference. 
                             Robert Frost

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Taking Flight

Only Little Wing.

A few weeks ago I came to realize this blog has taken a completely different turn from what I originally intended. I thought this place would be for me to record my projects, maybe write a little. But it has turned into so much more for me. My blog has, in a way, turned into my own type of release therapy. I have always been opinionated; historically, though, I've kept my thoughts to myself. But if you read Incoherent Ramblings for any length of time you know that is certainly not the case any longer. It turns out I have a lot to say, about a lot of stuff. More than I ever realized. 

There's a song I have long since connected with --- thought maybe it was written about, & only for, me. "Little Wing", written by Jimi Hendrix. His words flow directly to my soul: "When I'm sad she comes to me with a thousand smiles she gives to me free. 'It's alright, it's alright' she says, 'Take anything you want from me. Anything'...." 

Anything. Take anything you want from me. 

Only Little Wing is my new home to share my anything.

 I had this tattoo placed on my foot three weeks ago to remind myself to always be open not only to those I love, but to myself. And also to take flight & soar.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Wow. Just, WOW.

The girls have been trading cooties & a fever since last Saturday. FUN....

Today we HAD to get out for a quick trip to the store, but I thought it would be fun for the girls to decorate the front door before we left: 

I helped with the letters. WHOOPSIE....

As I was helping the girls into the car for our quick store trip (which turned into over an hour), I noticed my pants looked a little weird: 

That's right. My pants were inside out. And I left them that way. 

Monday, October 10, 2011


Made some play dough this morning....
I have tried, at least, a bazillion home play dough recipes. This one is by far the bestest: 

* 1 cup flour
* 1/4 cup salt 
* 3 tsp vinegar or lemon juice
* 2 tbsp oil 
* 1/2 cup water 
* food coloring

The actual recipe states to mix the dry ingredients together, then add the wet stuff slowly over a low heat. Wellllllllllllllll, I am impatient & just dumped everything in together. I used a package of Koolaid instead of food coloring & had to use vinegar. Kinda made for a stinky combo, so I think I'll use lemon juice for the next batch. I also added a little more four & vegetable oil to make it the consistency I like (I'm really picky; I can't stand it when the play dough turns out feeling salty). I made sure to stir up the gunk enough to get all the lumps out, then I let it sit for a bit to cool off. 
And then it was PLAY TIME.


Sunday, October 9, 2011



Not much else to say about this one....I could easily share this with people from my past; I could also point it right back at myself. But it's never too late to turn again --- into something better.

Friday, September 30, 2011

No More Drama.

This post has been weighing heavily on my heart for a long time. I wasn't sure how to put my thoughts & feelings in to words, so I have pushed it to the corners of my mind. Then, late this morning, this song came to me. Which is weird, because she always speaks to me. Maybe this morning I was finally ready to listen to this message: 
No. More. Drama. No more. Take a good, hard look at the faces in this video.Take time to listen to what Mary J. Blige is truly saying: "It feels so good when you let go, avoid these drama in your life. Free from all the game, free from all the stress." If you want to see the physical act of letting go of drama, check out MJB's performance at the 2002 Grammy's here. The pain on her face & that she exhibits in her movements is real. I am reduced to a pile of goosebumps & tears each time I watch it.

What the hell has this world come to that we need the government to step in to our lives by creating legislation against bullying?! Are we all that ignorant that we honestly don't know how to treat each other?! WTF, people?! Just because someone is different than me, has different viewpoints or beliefs does not give me any right to harm them with my words, hands, or actions. This world would be beyond boring if we were all damn clones...

Gossip & rumors. Now, I know this shit has been around for centuries. Doesn't make it right. And at one point or another we have all been the victim of gossip, rumors, & bullying just as we have also perpetuated them. Have you ever purposely done something hurtful to someone? Said hateful things in a moment of rage? Even to convey your own feelings at their actions? I have. And to think of them now makes me sick. I am not by any stretch dismissing my anger or hurt, but I'll get to that in a minute. It's the words & the way I chose to make my feelings known that make me hang my head in shame. In recent history, I have used words like "cunt" (which, if you know me in the least you know I HATE that word, yet I used it anyway), "loser", & "worthless" in arguments. Why? Saying them didn't make me feel any better; those words didn't reduce my hurt. But they reduced me. Instead of lowering myself to hateful  words, labels, & slang I should have admitted my hurt & pain so we could both learn from it. No matter the outcome. 

Now, back to dismissing feelings. It's OK to be angry. Sad. Hurt. Fucking pissed off at someone's actions toward you. Feelings, good or bad, let us know we are alive. And that we care. If we didn't care, we wouldn't be so easily hurt by others & there would be no reason for this post. It's taken me a long time to realize that I have a choice; we all have this choice: We can hang on to that hurt & pain, or we can let it go. Release it. In a recent conversation a friend told me "forgiveness is freeing for you". Forgiveness is a BIG DEAL for me. Always has been. I struggle with the notion that if we forgive, we are providing a free pass for whatever it is we've forgiven. So while I'm not sure what I think about his words, I understand what he means. By holding on to that which begs forgiveness, & the anger/pain/hurt that goes with it, you allow it to live within you. To grow like a cancer within, & have power over, you. YOU allow drama to control your life. What good does it do any of us to hold on to something hurtful someone said or did years ago? Or even yesterday? It doesn't. It just takes up valuable space in our hearts, minds, & souls that could be occupied by so many more beautiful things. 

I found this:

 And it speaks to me on so many levels. Look at the chains circling those hands --- the hands are struggling to break free of them! Is that really how any of us want to live? Struggling against something we could easily free ourselves from?! I love the word "grace". Until I can resolve my own issues with the word "forgiveness", I think I will use "grace" in its place. I look at it this way: By sharing my grace with those who have hurt me I am freeing myself from the heavy chains surrounding my heart, but I am also freeing them. They are free to make changes, be better to others in their lives. Even if we never see or speak to each other again, I will know I have loved someone enough to give them a second chance at their life. And I pray those I have hurt will share their grace with me as well.

By giving, & hopefully receiving, grace we can all reduce the drama in our lives. We can all play a part in creating a community in which people are accepted & respected. No more bullying. No more gossip. No more rumors. No more hate. 

No more drama.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Interview With a Weasel Nugget

Last week I did a mini interview with my big little girl, Karsen Hope. I LOVED hearing her answers & plan on doing Q&A's with her regularly....Maybe I'll even let her ask me some questions next time.

Which got me thinking: Owynne's vocabulary is completely ridiculous for someone her age (22 months), so how much fun would it be to interview her?! I decided to do just that at lunch today. Here's what happened: 

What is your name?: Me.

How old are you, Owynne?: Guht. 

You're good?: Yuh.

Well, that's nice. I see it's lunch time. What are you eating?: Eat. Pop. Corn. Look me!

What song do you like to sing?: OOOOOOoooo! Yeh-yo song! (she dances in her chair)

Do you like to go nigh night?: Uh-huh.

Who do you go nigh night with in your bed?: Chu-cho bed. Papa ego seep. Nigh night, Mama.

You go nigh night in your bed with Cheerios & a papa eagle sleeps?: Mmm-hm.

Allllllright. Do you like to go outside?: Mmm-hm.

What do you like to do outside?: Mo boobyeuh. 

You want more berries? Mmm-hm. Yotsth boobyeuh!

What are you going to be for Halloween?: Yuh-yo pinthesth.

A yellow princess? I thought you said you wanted to be an orange princess.: Oh. 

Hey, where's puppy?: Out-thide.

What is she doing?: OUT! THIDE!

OK, OK, but what is she doing?: OUUUUUT! THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDE!!!!!

Alright, gee whiz.... Eat gass. Yuv eat gass. 

Puppy loves to eat grass?: Yuh. 

How are you feeling?: Guht. HUM! HUM! 

Huh? Who says "hum hum"?: Yama sezth HUM! HUM! 

Oh, a Llama says "hum hum"?: Yuh. Mo boobyeuh. 

I don't think you need any more berries.... WHHHHHHHHHHHY?!?!?

Well, because you've had enough & too many more might hurt your bottom. Oh. WHY?

Owynne, what makes you happy?: Yuh-yo pinthseth. 

A yellow princess makes you happy?: Yuh. 

What else makes you happy?: Yuh-yo shoesth. Geen shoesth. Geen toesth.

Yellow shoes & green shoes make you happy? Yuh. Geen toesth. 

Yes, you have green toes....(It is at this time O puts her feet on the table, takes off her socks, & puts them in one of the places on her divided plate)

What makes you super happy?: Puh-puh.

Your puh-puh makes you super happy?: PUH! PUUUUUUUUUUH! MOMMY GET OUT! HAH-OPE!

You want help? Are you all done eating?: OUUUUUUUUUUUUT!!!!! PUH-PUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HODEJU MOMMY!

After she was freed from the prison that is her booster chair, I decided to ask Owynne Faith one more question....

Hey, Owynne, who do you love?: Yah yah yuv. 

La la love? Uh-huh. 



Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Interview With a Kindergartener

My little big girl is home sick today. In an effort to keep her still ---- which, if you know her, is no small feat ---- we have watched a lot of movies & done some fabulous Tinkerbell inspired pedicures: 

While the little little girl is napping, I thought I'd steal a little one on one time with the little big girl & do an interview with her. Here's what she said: 

What is your name? Karsen Hope Schumaker
How old are you? 5
What is your favorite color? Green
What is your favorite thing to eat? Everything. Ah-cept potatoes.
Is there food don't you like? I like everything else. But not potatoes.
What do you like to wear best? I like dresses.
Do you have a favorite book? I like aaaaallllll uh dah books! (she says with a gigantic smile)
What about TV show? Um, my Dora show. The one in the movie box.
What is your favorite toy? Uhhhhhhhhhh, I like to play wif my babies.
What do you do when you go outside? I play everywhere around. But I slow down kind of. Play wif you & Owynne. I like Daddy to play wif me outside because I love him so much.
Do you have a favorite song? Um, Three Little Pigs & Little Bunny Foo Foo.
If you could be an animal, what would you be? Uh, a kangaroo because I love to hop a lot!
You're in kindergarten now; what do you like about school? Lunch! Outside! Sitting on the carpet; I like when Mrs. W talks to us.
What kind of job will you have when you grow up? I'm gonna be a mama! Sew. I'm gonna drive a car, a truck, everything.
Tell me about your Halloween costume. I want it to be red, & a spider with white & a spider black. I'd like spiders all over my costume. A mask, dress up shoes, a cape , & a hat.
Do you like your little sister? Yes. I like playing with her.
Who's the best daddy EVER? MY Daddy dat's at work!
Who's the best mommy EVER? You!


Sunday, September 11, 2011

What More is There Sunday

Love! Love!? What more is there?
We need the light of love in here
Don't beat your head
Dry your eyes
Let the love in there
There are bad times
But that's ok
Just look for love in it
Don't burn the day away

Friday, September 9, 2011

Sunday Quote on a Friday Morning

So, have you ever had one of those days when you wake up & the first thought you have is "EVERYTHING SUCKS"? Today is that day for me. It started at 4:30am when the dog woke me up, freaking out about the wind. I never went back to sleep & my attitude just got more crappy with every tick of the clock. Self pity took over & I began to think of all the things that are "wrong" with my life. Nobody understands, nobody cares, poor me, I feel so alone, blah, blah, blah, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit....

Then I slapped myself & said "get the f over it". Maybe it's true no one can quite understand what I am going through or feeling. But people in my life DO care & I am NOT alone. No one is ever alone. Sure, we may make the choice to be physically alone. But what we need to remember is that someone, somewhere, is holding you in their heart. 

When I began thinking in this way all the things that are right with my life came in to focus: crazy, loving husband, amazing children, wonderful extended family. I have a home, food, & I am safe. I have clothes & shoes in my closet. Fabulous shoes. I have friends who accept me, eccentricities & all. Which brings me to my Sunday quote on a Friday Morning:

What I think we all need to remember is there is always someone in our life that needs to be held & that we can hold on to. Life doesn't suck. It's pretty damn good; even better when you share it with the people you hold on to.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Thursday, September 1, 2011

My Life's Just Fine

Heard this song a few hours ago; made my day. Let Mary make your day, too. Turn it up & DAAAAAAAAAAAAANCE!!!!


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Definition of Insanity

Isn't it doing the same thing over & over again, all the while expecting a different result each time? How many times have you tried to shove a square peg into a round hole before you finally understood it just wasn't going to fit? Did you throw your hands up & give in to the realization it just wasn't going to work?

What about in the context of a relationship? In every relationship we have, from partner to parent/child to friend, there are times when you are the carrier. There are also times when you need to be carried. There are times when you are an asshole; there are times when you deal with someone being an asshole. Reciprocity. An emotional puff, puff, give if you will.

I like to think I give my best as much as I can to those I am in relationships with, but I know that isn't always the case. I have bad days, weak moments, selfish moments....Everyone does, so I shouldn't worry as much as I do. I mean, those that truly love & accept us will be there no matter the circumstances, right? And we accept those we love no matter their circumstances. Right?

Here's where things get tricky for me:
What about the people in our lives that consistently create storms & chaos regardless of how supportive/caring/accepting you are? We all have them. How many times do you turn the other cheek? How many times do you provide for a fresh start, push the reset button? And how many times will you be surprised when a person shows you the same storm? I wrestle with myself regarding this very issue, partly due to my background in social service agencies & my current schooling in Play Therapy techniques. Working with children & families in stressful, tense situations often proves the acting out behavior is simply a primal cry for help. Faced with consistent trauma & stress (which is relative to each person), people will almost always show you their worst. Maybe lash out at you & attempt to place blame on you or others. When we feel this out of control & desperate it is damn near impossible to say "I need help". Way easier to recognize a cry for help on a professional level than a personal one....

So what the hell do you do? I've WWJD'd myself nearly to death with this very question. I have typically been the type of person to give one the benefit of the doubt. And it can be exhausting. I've no doubt others have done the same for me when what they really want to do is throw me off the nearest bridge. I know how exhausting I can be; man, often times I exhaust myself. No one should ever feel alone in this world. We all deserve to be held at our weakest moments & uplifted at our best. But when/how do you make the decision that enough is enough? That you've turned your cheek so many times they're bloody & raw? How do you know when it's time to throw up your hands & walk away? To further complicate these questions for me, I have guilt about the person feeling rejected by me. Rejection is a part of life, sure, but it stings like a sonofa when you're already down. And I don't want to be the cause of anyone's pain. Is walking away really the answer? How long can you continue to be strong for someone, to give them a safe haven & support before you realize you are in fact being victimized?

I don't know. I wish I did.

They Have the Wrong Name

This website's name should not be Pinterest. It should be CRACKTEREST.

After my hysterectomy several weeks ago, I needed something to keep me busy & help me feel like I was still being craftish & inspired. I found Pinterest. Oh. My. Lanta. I love it & cannot stop pinning delicious, exciting ideas to my boards. You can use Pinterest to categorize pretty much anything & everything. I have a board dedicated to gnomes. That's right; gnomes. Tell me if you need an invite & I will happily send you one so you can join me in my newest obsession....

Monday, August 29, 2011

I Am a Blogging Machine, AKA Weird Stuff Typically Happens To Me

Wow. If I keep up this pace, I might just consider myself a professional blogger. I rule. 

I am one of "those people". You know, the friend that regularly has a story you hear & think, "WTF?" So here's just a couple things that have happend to me in the last 24 hours: 

1. I don't have a picture to support the first one, but here goes: I went outside yesterday to water the plants in our backyard. As I grabbed the hose, my view was accosted by a gigantic, disgusting spider. Rather than just leave it alone, I decided to rid our yard of this unwelcome pest & turned the hose on the sucker. Because I hate spiders so stinkin' much I may have gotten a little over zealous with the water. And I may have sprayed my phone, my iPod, & the docking station in the process. I also may have sprayed the baby, but I'm not entirely sure because she had already gotten "bitesth" from the hose....

2. I stopped by the gas station on my way home after dropping K at school this morning. As I was paying for my beverages a sneeze got stuck in my nose. I hate that. And then the cashier said, "Oh, you have allergies. I was going to ask you if you were alright, since you look a little weepy." Awesome. Here's a picture of my date for the next four months: 
Cute, huh?

2. We had a bunch of produce that needed to be used, so I thought I'd make salsa. Rather than just chopping everything up I thought I would get a little sassy with it & grill the tomatoes, peppers, & jalapenos. On the grill. Two things happend here: I prepped the veggies just fine until it came to the jalapenos....I could smell the hottness of those suckers even before I cut them open, so I knew I wanted to take out the seeds to avoid atomic fireball salsa. Easy, right? Yes, but then a seed from the first jalapeno flew off the edge of the knife. And up my nose. Atomic fireball nose. Then I went to start the grill & it wouldn't start. It hates me. So I had to use the broiler instead. BORING. 
Pre broiler, post atomic fireball nose

And THEN I got onion juice in my eye. It has been a day. But the salsa is delicious.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Friday, August 26, 2011

My New Shirt

When I found out in April that Sara Bareilles (& Sugarland, but I was WAY more excited about Sara B.) was going to be coming for a show I immediately checked with my girlfriends to see who wanted to go. We bought GA Floor tickets so we could dance all night. I could hardly wait until August!!!!

Fast forward to the end of July & me having to get rid of my ticket. BOO. I had to have a hysterectomy (there's a fun, 24 year story) & it just so happend the surgery was scheduled for 5 days before the show. I was super mega bummed not to be there. I think I might have even cried when I knew the show was starting. But my friends were so sweet & I got videos & phone call serenades throughout the show.

  I. LOVE. SARA. BAREILLES. She came to Lawrence last fall & the show was AMAZEBALLS.

My friends, Andrea & Brandi, got me a surprise gift that signifies just how much I love Sara B. & why. Say "hello" to my new shirt:

Sorry, Mom, but she cusses & I like it. No. I f*cking love it.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

So. Over. It.

Today has sucked. Not sure why, but I am so glad it's almost over. I really need to take a long look at the To Do List from yesterday's post & get over it.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Can You Tell Me How To Get To....

Sesame Street: Something for everyone....

Thank you, PBS, for the LL deliciousness educational programming....

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Healing Sunday

Cleanse yourself with laughter and with tears.
Let tears take out all the agony that is hidden inside you,
And let laughter ignite your contagious joy....

Don't know who said this, but it is amazing advice.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Our little big girl started Kindergarten today....

The only things she has talked about since Sunday are Kindergarten & Daddy. She told me more than once that since she is 5 years old & in big kid school now she is brave & strong, "just like Daddy".

She practically pushed us out the door of her classroom this morning; she was so ready to start school! I am very excited to see how her first day of big kid school goes!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Special Day Before Kindergarten Movie Breakfast

Our big girl starts kindergarten tomorrow!!!! To celebrate I made a special breakfast this morning:

Baked French Toast Sticks!

These are super easy & FREEZABLE!!! I made a big batch, so we had some this morning & we have extra for breakfasts over the next couple of weeks. You can find the recipe here. They were a big hit with the girls; the little one called it "piztha"!
I cannot believe our big little girl is ready for kindergarten....Her first five years went by so fast! I am so excited to watch her learn & grow. But she will always, ALWAYS be my little girl....

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Friday, August 12, 2011

A Day That Will Live in Infamy

August 12, 2000: Team Schu becomes official....

To celebrate such a monumentous occasion I have penned a........

Top 11 Team Schu Stupendously Amazing Highlights List

11. "Why do you always want to start a conversation with me at 1am? Go to sleep." Christopher says this to me on a regular basis; I get chatty late at night, but he snores listens anyway.

10. Tree Top Haven hot tub in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. I was in horrible pain during our honeymoon from a ruptured lower disc. The only thing that helped was sitting in that dang hot tub. Christopher brought me wine coolers & sat with me in the hot tub. In the Ozark Mountains August heat.

9. "Crush" - DMB (Bah doon doon chat)

8. Baseball games & baseball hats

7. Dancing in the kitchen

6. The girls 


 5. 90210, Melrose Place, & sub sandwiches 

4. Epic car performances of such classics as "Come Sail Away" & "Nothin' But a Good Time". Seriously. If you haven't witnessed a performance you truly haven't lived.

3. Meeting new friends at Madonna's Bar in Cincinnati. Twice. "Did you really eat that whole pizza on the way here?"

2.  "Everybody likes their own brand."

1. "You & me together, we can do anything". "Come what may, I will love you until my dying day." We've been to hell & back (a few times), but we always find our way because we're together....I love you, Christopher Neal. Happy Anniversary!!!!