Friday, December 31, 2010
Reflections & Looking Forward....
It always makes me a little sad when we take the Christmas tree down (even this year, when the middle of the tree decided it was finished lighting up December 23rd). I love sitting in the soft glow of the tree in the evening, just being quiet. I still feel the magic & excitement of the Christmas season: the anticipation of Santa & his reindeer, hoping to see snow (but only if I can see it from inside my cozy house, Gattshall), & remembering the wonderful mystery of the baby boy born to save & take care of us all. Or whatever you choose to believe; no projecting here....
Still, this year, I was eager to take the down the tree & decorations; the last reminders of 2010. You see, 2010 was not the kindest of years to me. Yet it was the most notable year in a long time because it came with so many revelations as well. The biggest, most frightening revelation came later this year, when I finally let myself acknowledge that I had been suffering from a particularly nasty case of postpartum depression since the birth of our second daughter, Owynne Faith. To be REALLY honest I had probably been exhibiting symptoms since Karsen was born four years earlier. And this depression, in turn, dredged up a lot of memories from my past I had been pushing down for a long time. I began remembering things I had chosen to lock away & keep hidden from myself, from others, for many years. If I told anyone else of the things going on inside me, they would surely send my crazy ass to Shutter Island with that looney tunes, Leo DiCaprio. Looking back now, I see that my refusal to acknowledge my suffering (which is still weird for me to say) seeped into every aspect of my life. It affected my home because I no longer had the energy to keep it clean. It affected my job, which I LOVED, because I simply could not get out of bed in the morning to make it there at a decent time. I looked terrible. I began sitting at my desk, paralyzed. Unable to do anything; unable to put into action all the ideas & plans I had for my position. The only thing I wanted to do was sleep. I decided that maybe my problem was work. Maybe I was overwhelmed with full time work & taking care of two babies. So I quit the job I loved in June, the job I felt I been called to do, to stay at home full time with my babies. It worked for a while, then the feelings of doubt & dread came back. With a vengeance. I don't like to ask for help. Ever. Somewhere along the line I decided that asking for help from others meant I was weak. That no one would trust me with the important things of the world if I couldn't take care of the simple things myself. Let me tell you now, it is VERY lonely when you keep others at a distance. I thought I was protecting myself when, in a very harsh reality, I was hurting myself more.
In late October I finally sat down with my husband & out came a flood of tears, memories, & words. I talked for nearly an hour & a half before he even got a word in. And if you know my husband, that's a LONG time for him to be silent. When I had finally finished talking I thought for sure he would get up, walk out of the room, & never look back. But instead he said, "Wow. I sure wish you would've told me this stuff a long time ago. I could've helped you." And he hugged me.
And so, at the end of 2010, I began the long process of healing. I finally opened up & began to let go of the pain & suffering that has held me hostage for so long. I put away the last reminders of 2010 & began to look forward with fresh, hopeful eyes. In 2011 I will return to school to build upon my current knowledge base & begin a new career helping young children & their families heal. I will continue to create beautiful things; for others or perhaps just my children. And I will continue to heal myself, to look forward.
Happy New Year, friends. May 2011 be a wonderful, kind, loving, & exciting year for you & yours....
Friday, December 24, 2010
Wonderful Gift....
And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.
And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.
And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
Luke 2:8-14
Thursday, December 23, 2010
I am not sure what type of bee has crawled into my bonnet, but it needs to go away. I have been in a funk for several days & cannot seem to crawl out from under it. I don't know if it's this cold, crappy weather or the pressure I am putting on myself to make sure all the gifts I am making are done & "perfect". Or the fact that my house is overwhelmingly NOT clean. OR that more than half of the lights on the tree decided to burn out yesterday. OR, OR the gigantic pile of laundry that needs to be done. I am just a big fat ball of GRINCH. But it has to STOP now. In order to smack myself into a holly jolly mood I have decided to make a list of the ten things that are good & amazing in my life. Despite my mood, I have many things in my life to be thankful for & cherish. Here are just a few:
* My children are amazing. The big one likes to pretend she is a cowgirl; she wears a hot pink straw Easter hat & sequined dress up shoes & runs through the house screaming "EEEHAW!" The little one has a toy with a microphone on it. When you tell her to sing she puts the entire thing in her mouth & shouts "AH AH AH AH AH!" while she dances.
* I have a husband who helps me off the ledge on a regular basis. He is supportive & encouraging of my decision to return to school. He tells me he is proud of me.
* Although it is messy, I have a lovely little house to enjoy with my family. Our home keeps us safe, warm, & together. I love my little house.
* I have passed along my affinity for making any situation into a song to my oldest child. The little one doesn't talk much yet but I am sure she will catch on too.
* I am so incredibly thankful for the gift of music & to be able to share it with my family.
* God has given me a warped sense of humor that I LOVE. For example, I have a fart application (although I prefer the word "toot") that makes me laugh every time I use it.
* I have friends who love me in spite of my junior high boy humor....
* Some of my most favorite things are books. I love books. You can learn new things or get lost in a different world. Books make me happy.
* Sunshine makes me happy.
* Watching my husband play Guitar Hero & Rock Band makes me happy. What makes me even happier is when he plays some Jimmy Eat World & dances around like a lunatic with the big girl.
There. Much better. Happy Festivus.
* My children are amazing. The big one likes to pretend she is a cowgirl; she wears a hot pink straw Easter hat & sequined dress up shoes & runs through the house screaming "EEEHAW!" The little one has a toy with a microphone on it. When you tell her to sing she puts the entire thing in her mouth & shouts "AH AH AH AH AH!" while she dances.
* I have a husband who helps me off the ledge on a regular basis. He is supportive & encouraging of my decision to return to school. He tells me he is proud of me.
* Although it is messy, I have a lovely little house to enjoy with my family. Our home keeps us safe, warm, & together. I love my little house.
* I have passed along my affinity for making any situation into a song to my oldest child. The little one doesn't talk much yet but I am sure she will catch on too.
* I am so incredibly thankful for the gift of music & to be able to share it with my family.
* God has given me a warped sense of humor that I LOVE. For example, I have a fart application (although I prefer the word "toot") that makes me laugh every time I use it.
* I have friends who love me in spite of my junior high boy humor....
* Some of my most favorite things are books. I love books. You can learn new things or get lost in a different world. Books make me happy.
* Sunshine makes me happy.
* Watching my husband play Guitar Hero & Rock Band makes me happy. What makes me even happier is when he plays some Jimmy Eat World & dances around like a lunatic with the big girl.
There. Much better. Happy Festivus.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
- O Winter! ruler of the inverted year, . . . I crown thee king of intimate delights, Fireside enjoyments, home-born happiness, And all the comforts that the lowly roof Of undisturb'd Retirement, and the hours Of long uninterrupted evening, know.
- William Cowper (1731 - 1800)
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
- Keeping your body healthy is an expression of gratitude to the whole cosmos - the trees, the clouds, everything.
- Thich Nhat Hanh
Sunday, November 21, 2010
- Gratitude is our most direct line to God and the angels. If we take the time, no matter how crazy and troubled we feel, we can find something to be thankful for.
- Terry Lynn Taylor
Friday, November 12, 2010
Owynne Faith
My heart sank as I watched the second line get darker & darker. “I can’t do this again”, I thought to myself….
I have taken more pregnancy tests in my life than I care to count & this one was the most positive test I had ever seen. Just four months after my 7th miscarriage (or 8th, I’m not sure anymore. My husband reminded me of one I’d blocked out just a few days ago) I was pregnant. I couldn’t believe it. We had tried for nearly 10 months to get pregnant with no results. And I got pregnant twice in 4 months.
By my calculations I was about 5 ½ weeks along, so I had about two to four weeks to prepare myself for another miscarriage. I made an appointment with my OB/GYN the day after I took the test because I was set to leave town on work & did not want to have a miscarriage away from home. The doctor I saw was not my usual doctor. She listened with empathy as I told her my history & then she ordered a blood test & ultrasound. The tests confirmed that I was, indeed, pregnant & the doctor told me to make another appointment with my regular OB/GYN in two weeks. Two weeks is an ETERNITY to wait for bad news….I waited for the typical signs of miscarriage: cramps, sharp pain, nausea, bleeding. Nothing happened. At all. I began to think maybe I’d read the test wrong & the ultrasound had simply acted up that day. On the day of my appointment I waited for the doctor to tell me I was crazy & had never been pregnant, just going through menopause or something. But she didn’t. “Well, congratulations, everything looks great. There‘s the heartbeat,” she said. “Looks like you’ll be having a baby in November.” The doctor then told me my actual projected due date was November 18, but I would more than likely deliver via caesarean section November 11. November 11. When I got outside the office building I looked up at the sky I said, “November 11?! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!!!” My grandmother’s birthday was November 11.
I didn’t believe her. For the next few months I puked my guts out, could barely get out of bed because the ligaments in my pelvic region were stretching beyond their limits, my boobs hurt. And I still didn’t believe her. I didn’t believe her each time I went in for a check up & heard the baby’s heartbeat.
I couldn’t. I couldn’t let myself believe I was carrying a baby because that would mean I would lose another baby. And I couldn’t lose another baby. So I couldn’t, wouldn’t, let myself believe there was a little person growing inside me.
But little person had another idea. Nugget let me know she was in there & sticking around at 12 weeks. She punched me. And not a sweet little tappy tap ---- A HARD, strong punch straight to the gut. She kept at it, too, for the rest of her stay in her Uterine Suite. Man, that baby could kick….I fell in love with Owynne the first time I saw her. She weighed a little less than a can of pop & was sucking her thumb. And from that moment on, I was hooked. I fell head over heels in love with this baby growing inside me & I couldn’t wait to meet her. My little Nugget. She gave me hell the next few months & I even hung out in the hospital several times for pre term labor.
Owynne Faith made her world debut November 11, 2009. She screamed long enough to let us know she was here & not going anywhere, then she calmed down & just took everything in. When she is tired she plays with her ears & has since her first day here. Her first word was “Dah” for her Daddy & she once called me “poop”. She is fiercely independent, but puts her hand on my cheek to help her go to sleep….
Happy Birthday, Owynne Faith. You are the best surprise I’ve ever had & Mommy loves you so very.
I have taken more pregnancy tests in my life than I care to count & this one was the most positive test I had ever seen. Just four months after my 7th miscarriage (or 8th, I’m not sure anymore. My husband reminded me of one I’d blocked out just a few days ago) I was pregnant. I couldn’t believe it. We had tried for nearly 10 months to get pregnant with no results. And I got pregnant twice in 4 months.
By my calculations I was about 5 ½ weeks along, so I had about two to four weeks to prepare myself for another miscarriage. I made an appointment with my OB/GYN the day after I took the test because I was set to leave town on work & did not want to have a miscarriage away from home. The doctor I saw was not my usual doctor. She listened with empathy as I told her my history & then she ordered a blood test & ultrasound. The tests confirmed that I was, indeed, pregnant & the doctor told me to make another appointment with my regular OB/GYN in two weeks. Two weeks is an ETERNITY to wait for bad news….I waited for the typical signs of miscarriage: cramps, sharp pain, nausea, bleeding. Nothing happened. At all. I began to think maybe I’d read the test wrong & the ultrasound had simply acted up that day. On the day of my appointment I waited for the doctor to tell me I was crazy & had never been pregnant, just going through menopause or something. But she didn’t. “Well, congratulations, everything looks great. There‘s the heartbeat,” she said. “Looks like you’ll be having a baby in November.” The doctor then told me my actual projected due date was November 18, but I would more than likely deliver via caesarean section November 11. November 11. When I got outside the office building I looked up at the sky I said, “November 11?! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!!!” My grandmother’s birthday was November 11.
I didn’t believe her. For the next few months I puked my guts out, could barely get out of bed because the ligaments in my pelvic region were stretching beyond their limits, my boobs hurt. And I still didn’t believe her. I didn’t believe her each time I went in for a check up & heard the baby’s heartbeat.
I couldn’t. I couldn’t let myself believe I was carrying a baby because that would mean I would lose another baby. And I couldn’t lose another baby. So I couldn’t, wouldn’t, let myself believe there was a little person growing inside me.
But little person had another idea. Nugget let me know she was in there & sticking around at 12 weeks. She punched me. And not a sweet little tappy tap ---- A HARD, strong punch straight to the gut. She kept at it, too, for the rest of her stay in her Uterine Suite. Man, that baby could kick….I fell in love with Owynne the first time I saw her. She weighed a little less than a can of pop & was sucking her thumb. And from that moment on, I was hooked. I fell head over heels in love with this baby growing inside me & I couldn’t wait to meet her. My little Nugget. She gave me hell the next few months & I even hung out in the hospital several times for pre term labor.
Owynne Faith made her world debut November 11, 2009. She screamed long enough to let us know she was here & not going anywhere, then she calmed down & just took everything in. When she is tired she plays with her ears & has since her first day here. Her first word was “Dah” for her Daddy & she once called me “poop”. She is fiercely independent, but puts her hand on my cheek to help her go to sleep….
Happy Birthday, Owynne Faith. You are the best surprise I’ve ever had & Mommy loves you so very.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
sure has a funny way of sneaking up on you. Sometimes it takes a gigantic kick in the ass (or seven) for you to wake up & remember what is important.
Outward appearances can be deceiving; they can fool you into believing a person or situation has it all together & everything is super duper. When, in fact, he (or she) is barely hanging on by a thread behind closed doors.
It's OK to ask for help. To admit you need it & to welcome it with open arms when a caring person offers.
You can't go through life trying to do everything alone. God (or whoever you believe in ---- or don't, I'm not judging) places certain people in our paths for very specific reasons, I believe. But He is only going to hit you over the head (or kick you in the ass) with them so many times. You have to welcome the gifts that life brings you. And by you, of course, I mean me.
I have chosen to make it my mission to welcome the gifts coming into my life. It's not going to be easy to undo years of politely pushing people away, keeping them at arm's length. But I am trying. And a big, giant public thank you hug to all my gifts who have never given up on me.
I love you.
Now, go hug a gift....
Outward appearances can be deceiving; they can fool you into believing a person or situation has it all together & everything is super duper. When, in fact, he (or she) is barely hanging on by a thread behind closed doors.
It's OK to ask for help. To admit you need it & to welcome it with open arms when a caring person offers.
You can't go through life trying to do everything alone. God (or whoever you believe in ---- or don't, I'm not judging) places certain people in our paths for very specific reasons, I believe. But He is only going to hit you over the head (or kick you in the ass) with them so many times. You have to welcome the gifts that life brings you. And by you, of course, I mean me.
I have chosen to make it my mission to welcome the gifts coming into my life. It's not going to be easy to undo years of politely pushing people away, keeping them at arm's length. But I am trying. And a big, giant public thank you hug to all my gifts who have never given up on me.
I love you.
Now, go hug a gift....
Monday, October 18, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
I just posted a GIVEAWAY contest on Hope & Faith Creations' Facebook page for THIS:
Please go check out the HF Facebook page for more details!!!!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
I am so excited Hope & Faith Creations has TRIPLE DIGIT "likes" on Facebook!!!! To celebrate all the love & support I am hosting a GIVEAWAY this weekend! Be sure to check out the Hope & Faith Creations page on Facebook for details!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Open Letter to the Dave Matthews Band
My Dearest DMB,
I am writing this letter to apply for the position of a Lovely Lady back up singer. I realize this may not be a position you are currently looking to fill, but I would like for you to seriously consider putting me on stage. Here is a list of my qualifications that make me perfect for the Lovely Lady position:
* I was in choir from 5th grade through college until I got kicked out for being sick too much. Bastards. It's ok, though, because the music choices were LAME & they all kind of sounded the same. Plus most everyone in the chorale sounded REALLY white....
* I won a karaoke contest. $500 travel voucher. Booyah.
* I am a SUPERB shower singer. Simply amazing.
* I can make virtually any situation into a song.
* I have wanted to be a back up singer most of my life. Why a back up singer? Because they get to do the fun stuff like sway back & forth, snap their fingers, create amazing chords & dissonance, then resolve it into the most buttery smooth sounds ever. Or leave the dissonance. Whichever.
* I once received a compliment from Kevin Mahogany after a performance. My performance, not his.
* I was picked to sing with the Dues Band in college for our New Year's Eve dance that wasn't on New Year's Eve. I beat out a guy named Cooter....
So there you have it; I feel my qualifications speak volumes about my abilities to be the best Lovely Lady ever. I anxiously await your response & look forward to touring with you in 2012. Should you decide you are not in the market for a Lovely Lady at this time, please consider allowing me to simply sit on stage during a few performances....Or all of them.
Sincerely Yours,
I am writing this letter to apply for the position of a Lovely Lady back up singer. I realize this may not be a position you are currently looking to fill, but I would like for you to seriously consider putting me on stage. Here is a list of my qualifications that make me perfect for the Lovely Lady position:
* I was in choir from 5th grade through college until I got kicked out for being sick too much. Bastards. It's ok, though, because the music choices were LAME & they all kind of sounded the same. Plus most everyone in the chorale sounded REALLY white....
* I won a karaoke contest. $500 travel voucher. Booyah.
* I am a SUPERB shower singer. Simply amazing.
* I can make virtually any situation into a song.
* I have wanted to be a back up singer most of my life. Why a back up singer? Because they get to do the fun stuff like sway back & forth, snap their fingers, create amazing chords & dissonance, then resolve it into the most buttery smooth sounds ever. Or leave the dissonance. Whichever.
* I once received a compliment from Kevin Mahogany after a performance. My performance, not his.
* I was picked to sing with the Dues Band in college for our New Year's Eve dance that wasn't on New Year's Eve. I beat out a guy named Cooter....
So there you have it; I feel my qualifications speak volumes about my abilities to be the best Lovely Lady ever. I anxiously await your response & look forward to touring with you in 2012. Should you decide you are not in the market for a Lovely Lady at this time, please consider allowing me to simply sit on stage during a few performances....Or all of them.
Sincerely Yours,
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Sunday Quote is Late
- I never saw an ugly thing in my life: for let the form of an object be what it may - light, shade, and perspective will always make it beautiful.
- John Constable (1776 - 1837)
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Not Sure What to Call This....
I am married to an idiot.
My husband is also married to an idiot.
We are, literally, a couple of idiots. I should really use a word that begins with A & ends in HOLE, but my parents still yell at me when I cuss so IDIOT it is. I could explain our idiocy-ness (totally a word) in many ways, but I will use one of the most recent examples: Our 10 year wedding anniversary was August 12. It came & went, pretty much like any other day. He went to work & I stayed home with the girls & the other 3 children I volunteered to watch that day. We went to dinner, but took the girls. We reasoned they were part of the first 10 years of our marriage, so why shouldn't they join us? We had a nice dinner, came home, & put the girls to bed. Happy 10 years....Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my girls & am thankful to God every day for the miracles they are.
August 12, however, should be a day reserved just for me & my idiot partner. August 12, 2000 was a day we pledged to love each other in spite of all the crap that may come our way. And, believe me, there's been a lot of crap. It has frustrated me every day since that we didn't make the day OUR day.Ten years of marriage is a big damn deal these days. Hell, making it past two years is a miracle it seems.
I mentioned the crap, so let me elaborate a bit: major surgery 3 weeks into our marriage, moving 6+ hours away from family & friends for a while, 5 years of infertility & treatments, depression, 2 difficult pregnancies, more depression, countless squabbles & fights over countless stupid things....We've even contemplated giving up.
But we haven't. We have weathered the storm that has been our 10 years of marriage. We fight hard, we love even harder. We cuss at each other under our breath (Or is that just me, baby?! Whoopsie.). We slow dance in the kitchen & in the aisles at a Dave Matthews Band concert at Wrigley Field. We watch baseball together & he explains to me for the 300th time how to figure a pitcher's ERA. He takes the passage of gas to an Olympic event; you can read about that here. I, on the other hand, am especially adept at the ever popular hissy fit. One gets annoyed at the other when we feel we are carrying more of the "life load" than the other. We sing (or scream at the top of our lungs) Styx & Poison in the car together. We even have actions ---- Our rendition of "Come Sail Away" is particularly amazing. I have always loved thunderstorms, but love them even more now since they remind me of the first time I told C I loved him almost 15 years ago....
I have no other point to this rambling than this: I will take the rest of this, our 10th year of marriage, to celebrate US. Far too often we have forgotten to rely on the other or celebrate the other. Or thank the other member of our TEAM. I will make it a point to do these things for US. Because WE deserve it. We are a couple of idiots, but we are damn awesome idiots. And together we make an idiotic TEAM. I love you, idiot.
My husband is also married to an idiot.
We are, literally, a couple of idiots. I should really use a word that begins with A & ends in HOLE, but my parents still yell at me when I cuss so IDIOT it is. I could explain our idiocy-ness (totally a word) in many ways, but I will use one of the most recent examples: Our 10 year wedding anniversary was August 12. It came & went, pretty much like any other day. He went to work & I stayed home with the girls & the other 3 children I volunteered to watch that day. We went to dinner, but took the girls. We reasoned they were part of the first 10 years of our marriage, so why shouldn't they join us? We had a nice dinner, came home, & put the girls to bed. Happy 10 years....Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my girls & am thankful to God every day for the miracles they are.
August 12, however, should be a day reserved just for me & my idiot partner. August 12, 2000 was a day we pledged to love each other in spite of all the crap that may come our way. And, believe me, there's been a lot of crap. It has frustrated me every day since that we didn't make the day OUR day.Ten years of marriage is a big damn deal these days. Hell, making it past two years is a miracle it seems.
I mentioned the crap, so let me elaborate a bit: major surgery 3 weeks into our marriage, moving 6+ hours away from family & friends for a while, 5 years of infertility & treatments, depression, 2 difficult pregnancies, more depression, countless squabbles & fights over countless stupid things....We've even contemplated giving up.
But we haven't. We have weathered the storm that has been our 10 years of marriage. We fight hard, we love even harder. We cuss at each other under our breath (Or is that just me, baby?! Whoopsie.). We slow dance in the kitchen & in the aisles at a Dave Matthews Band concert at Wrigley Field. We watch baseball together & he explains to me for the 300th time how to figure a pitcher's ERA. He takes the passage of gas to an Olympic event; you can read about that here. I, on the other hand, am especially adept at the ever popular hissy fit. One gets annoyed at the other when we feel we are carrying more of the "life load" than the other. We sing (or scream at the top of our lungs) Styx & Poison in the car together. We even have actions ---- Our rendition of "Come Sail Away" is particularly amazing. I have always loved thunderstorms, but love them even more now since they remind me of the first time I told C I loved him almost 15 years ago....
I have no other point to this rambling than this: I will take the rest of this, our 10th year of marriage, to celebrate US. Far too often we have forgotten to rely on the other or celebrate the other. Or thank the other member of our TEAM. I will make it a point to do these things for US. Because WE deserve it. We are a couple of idiots, but we are damn awesome idiots. And together we make an idiotic TEAM. I love you, idiot.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
I have set before thee life and death, the blessing and the curse. Therefore choose life.
Deuteronomy 30:19
Deuteronomy 30:19
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Bricks, Take 2
OK, let's see if these pictures are better....I had no idea the others were so dark; thanks Bryan!

Are these better?! I just love the bricks ---- you can go here to read why I chose bricks.
Are these better?! I just love the bricks ---- you can go here to read why I chose bricks.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Sunday Quote
" Love you're all I ever could need only one good thing worth trying to be...."
Sara Bareilles
Sara Bareilles
Thursday, September 9, 2010
I have spent the last few days designing a new banner for my Etsy shop which, in turn, led me to use the same design to create some new business cards & packaging materials. Take a look:
I could have chosen something colorful, crazy, & tacky (all of which I LOVE) but something about the bricks just spoke to me. The main elements used to make a brick are relatively simple: usually clay & sand. And when you look at a completed brick it is also a pretty simple object. A single brick is strong, but when we put a bunch together....Think about all the things you can build with bricks: streets for traveling, garden walls for beautification & order, fireplaces for warmth, & homes in which we raise our families....
The bricks remind me of what I am doing with myself: building a strong foundation for me & my family. They also make me think of the items I make. Alone the materials are fairly simple. But when I put them all together, they are simply wonderful....
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Saturday, September 4, 2010
How I LOVE thee & LOOOOOATHE thee at the same time! I love to see the colors, the cooler weather (SWEATSHIRTS & SHORTS!!!!!), & pumpkins! My big kid let the dog outside this morning & said, "Woah, it's cold out dayuh!"
But....I do NOT like the itchy, scratchy, sneezy allergies that come with you. If you could make those things go away, I would greatly appreciate it. It is not easy to fully appreciate fall from inside the house! Perhaps I should craft myself a giant hamster ball so I can just roll around outside without breaking out into hives....
Now, if you'll excuse me I am going to dig out the fall decorations. And sneeze.
But....I do NOT like the itchy, scratchy, sneezy allergies that come with you. If you could make those things go away, I would greatly appreciate it. It is not easy to fully appreciate fall from inside the house! Perhaps I should craft myself a giant hamster ball so I can just roll around outside without breaking out into hives....
Now, if you'll excuse me I am going to dig out the fall decorations. And sneeze.
Monday, August 30, 2010
My Mouth....
So....yesterday I had a mini fit after I saw a very young child in front of an elementary school playing with his toy machine gun.....IN FRONT OF A SCHOOL. I posted something on my FB page about it & it might have contained a strong reaction about what I would do if a toy gun is pointed at me.
I have never, ever liked toy guns. They make me nervous & they scare me. I can remember as a child playing with friends; we'd play Superheroes, Haunted House, or even War. But I NEVER pretended to use a gun when playing. Everyone else would be making the machine gun sounds or shouting "BAM! BAM!" while fighting the bad guys or defending the universe. I would use my karate chop action or powers of logical, peacemaking persuasion instead. I also refused to "die" if someone chose to shoot me with their fake gun. I would get IRATE if a fake gun made of anything ---- block, fingers, phone, whatever ---- was pointed at me. "DON'T POINT THAT AT ME", I'd scream. Even at a young age I felt pretending to shoot someone was disrespectful; disgusting. I HATE THEM. There is something about toy guns & what they represent that brings a blind fury to my very soul. Sad, huh? A violent reaction to a violent "toy".
**** I wrote this last week & decided to come back to it in hopes that I would find a constructive, eloquent way to express my feelings....It didn't happen, so I'll just repeat myself: TOY GUNS ARE STUPID. ****
I have never, ever liked toy guns. They make me nervous & they scare me. I can remember as a child playing with friends; we'd play Superheroes, Haunted House, or even War. But I NEVER pretended to use a gun when playing. Everyone else would be making the machine gun sounds or shouting "BAM! BAM!" while fighting the bad guys or defending the universe. I would use my karate chop action or powers of logical, peacemaking persuasion instead. I also refused to "die" if someone chose to shoot me with their fake gun. I would get IRATE if a fake gun made of anything ---- block, fingers, phone, whatever ---- was pointed at me. "DON'T POINT THAT AT ME", I'd scream. Even at a young age I felt pretending to shoot someone was disrespectful; disgusting. I HATE THEM. There is something about toy guns & what they represent that brings a blind fury to my very soul. Sad, huh? A violent reaction to a violent "toy".
**** I wrote this last week & decided to come back to it in hopes that I would find a constructive, eloquent way to express my feelings....It didn't happen, so I'll just repeat myself: TOY GUNS ARE STUPID. ****
Sunday Quote on Monday Night
I kind of forgot to put up a quote yesterday, but better late than never. We had a family get together yesterday to celebrate my mom's birthday, so this quote is for her:
- Sooner or later we all quote our mothers.
- Bern Williams
- Truer words were never spoken. Dangit....
- LOVE YOU, MOMMY!!!!!!!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
A friend of mine has a little man that started preschool a week or so ago. He needed a pillowcase for his travel size pillow for rest time so she asked me to make one. Mommy told me I should probably make it plain so little man wouldn't spend his rest time talking about what was on his pillow ---- Well, "plain" is hard for me. I love crazy & tacky & loud. So here's what I came up with:
Apeasing the Beasts....
We were supposed to go to the "boat park" for a picnic after school today, but the baby barfed all over the place this morning. To be honest, I was kind of afraid to tell the big girls....I was pretty sure they were going to hog tie me & take the truck.
So, in an effort to keep the peace I volunteered a fruit slushy from "the treat place" & a picnic with their BFF, Tracy Turnblad.
So, in an effort to keep the peace I volunteered a fruit slushy from "the treat place" & a picnic with their BFF, Tracy Turnblad.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Cuttin' It Close....
OK, I am cutting it close with the Sunday quote but....I chose this one specifically for my oldest daughter. The quote is from her current favorite movie & she will be hearing it a lot, as I have chosen this to say to her when she is choosing to be, um, saucy:
"Don't test me, Tracy, my diet pill's wearin' off!"
---- Edna Turnblad, "Hairspray" 2007
"Don't test me, Tracy, my diet pill's wearin' off!"
---- Edna Turnblad, "Hairspray" 2007
Saturday, August 21, 2010
My Children Are Loud.
They yell, scream, holler, & cry. Loud. The big one has two volumes: LOUD & Only Dogs Can Hear You. The little one is just loud; I am sure she will find her own varying levels as she gets older. The little one & I, as a matter of fact, had a screaming contest just the other day. She would squeal, then I would echo her. Then she would copy me, & I would copy her. Wait. I guess that means I'm loud too....
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Sunday Quote
A little late, but here it is:
Sing & dance, I'll play for you tonight ---- The thrill of it all.
Sing & dance, I'll play for you tonight ---- The thrill of it all.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Sunday Quote
- Every day brings a chance for you to draw in a breath, kick off your shoes, and dance.
- Oprah Winfrey
- I love to dance, especially when it's in the kitchen with my husband.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Hope & Faith Creations
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Sunday Quote
I LOVE this one & will make it my new mantra:
- Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.
- Anais Nin (1903 - 1977)
- Now, go find your courage....
Friday, July 30, 2010
Plugging Along....
It is a scientific fact that household chores take 46.957 times longer to accomplish with each child you have (no one could come up with that number on their own. It's straight science). Yet, the time you spend in the shower decreases by approximately half per child in your house....
I have part of one dress cut out. That's it. I want to relaunch the shop again in a couple weeks, but my children seem to think they need attention. One is shouting at me right this minute. To quote the Wicked Witch of the West: "All in good time, my deary, all in goood tiiiiime." Now, she is the LAST person I would choose to quote, but that's the only thing that comes to my mind right now. Not about my babies, of course, but about aaaaaaaaallllll the projects I want to accomplish by yesterday.
I hope to finish my first dress & cut out another tonight. Hopefully I can post a few teaser pics by tomorrow afternoon.
Wish me luck.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Opal the Owl!
Isn't she just the cutest stinkin' thing ever?! I just want to squeeze her! She is the very first owl made from my own pattern & I LOVE HER! She still needs a bit of tweaking (ex., where did her little owl feetsies go?! I know I gave her some....), but for now she will live with Owynne Faith. I love the way the stitching turned out: gives her a trendy, shabby chic look! Wouldn't Opal be a fun, unique teacher gift? School colors, fall & winter colors. Hmmmmm, I think I may have a new addition to Hope & Faith Creations' fall debut in a few weeks....
I'll have to introduce Maevis the Monkey before too long. She is a HOOT ---- no pun intended ---- & is quite possibly the funniest looking monkey you've ever seen. But Karsen loves her & that's all that matters....
Isn't she just the cutest stinkin' thing ever?! I just want to squeeze her! She is the very first owl made from my own pattern & I LOVE HER! She still needs a bit of tweaking (ex., where did her little owl feetsies go?! I know I gave her some....), but for now she will live with Owynne Faith. I love the way the stitching turned out: gives her a trendy, shabby chic look! Wouldn't Opal be a fun, unique teacher gift? School colors, fall & winter colors. Hmmmmm, I think I may have a new addition to Hope & Faith Creations' fall debut in a few weeks....
I'll have to introduce Maevis the Monkey before too long. She is a HOOT ---- no pun intended ---- & is quite possibly the funniest looking monkey you've ever seen. But Karsen loves her & that's all that matters....
Sunday, July 25, 2010
- Any transition serious enough to alter your definition of self will require not just small adjustments in your way of living and thinking but a full-on metamorphosis.
- Martha Beck
Friday, July 23, 2010
I Never Thought I'd....
That's the name of the essay contest I am entering. Sponsored by Real Simple magazine, the contest charges entries to finish the sentence "I never thought I'd...." When I first saw the advertisement for this in the August issue I passed it by. But something kept pulling me back to it & I thought about it for the rest of the day. I wasn't sure how I would finish the sentence; then it hit me like a ton of bricks: I never thought I'd ever in a million, BAZILLION years enter an essay contest. Allowing people in, being vulnerable to criticism....But I am going to do it. Wish me luck.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
My hubs is out of town on business for the rest of the week & took the camera. Not quite sure what I am going to do without it 'til Friday. ..
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Sunday Quote
From now on, each Sunday I will share a different quote. I found this one & thought it another sign from my Friend that Hope & Faith Creations is headed in the right direction....
Now, go hug your children & share these words with them....
You are a marvel. You are unique. In all the years that have passed there has never been another child like you. Your legs, your arms, your clever fingers, the way you move. You may become a Shakespeare, a Michelangelo, a Beethoven. You have the capacity for anything. Yes, you are a marvel.
--- Pau (Pablo) Casals
--- Pau (Pablo) Casals
Saturday, July 17, 2010
It's Time....
Losing someone you love is always painful. Losing a child can be unbearable....Several of my friends & family members have lost a young child to miscarriage, stillbirth, or complications from significant prematurity. My husband & I have 6 babies in Heaven waiting for us.
I have even more people in my life who had to deliver a child into the world early & learned very quickly the special needs of a preemie; my niece, Ashley, was born 10 weeks early. She weighed a little over three pounds at birth & was the tiniest thing I had ever seen. I remember feeling so helpless as I sat with my sister in the NICU watching Ashley sleep & being surrounded by all the sweet, innocent babies fighting for themselves in one way or another....
I experienced several months of pre-term labor with our second daughter, Owynne Faith, & was so very grateful when she was born last November at 39 weeks. I have always enjoyed making things; being crafty. Wynnie was a gigantic surprise, especially since I had my sixth miscarriage a few short months before she was conceived. The room that once held all my crafting items had to be turned into a nursery, so my crafting time & space fell by the wayside. It wasn't until Owynne was about 3 months old that I began to feel this intense desire to create once more, so I began making clothing items & things for my girls & others. I consider myself to be creative, but haven't been able to pinpoint until today why this has become so important to me:
I recently opened a shop on Etsy, Hope & Faith Creations. But it wasn't thought through well so I closed down to rethink my plan. Today, after hearing of some friends' devastating loss of their son, I believe the true reason for the creation of Hope & Faith has been given to me by Him: Hope & Faith Creations will reopen in late August in honor of our children, Karsen Hope & Owynne Faith. God has blessed my husband & me with two amazing, wonderful, beautiful girls & now it is time to pay it forward. So we will honor all children by donating a percentage of sales to an organization helping & protecting children each quarter.
To honor the babies that were born too early & have gone Home & the babies who fought so hard to stay here, Hope & Faith Creations will collect 10% from each sale in August through December to donate to the March of Dimes.
Please consider visiting the shop upon its reopening & help support our futures....
I have even more people in my life who had to deliver a child into the world early & learned very quickly the special needs of a preemie; my niece, Ashley, was born 10 weeks early. She weighed a little over three pounds at birth & was the tiniest thing I had ever seen. I remember feeling so helpless as I sat with my sister in the NICU watching Ashley sleep & being surrounded by all the sweet, innocent babies fighting for themselves in one way or another....
I experienced several months of pre-term labor with our second daughter, Owynne Faith, & was so very grateful when she was born last November at 39 weeks. I have always enjoyed making things; being crafty. Wynnie was a gigantic surprise, especially since I had my sixth miscarriage a few short months before she was conceived. The room that once held all my crafting items had to be turned into a nursery, so my crafting time & space fell by the wayside. It wasn't until Owynne was about 3 months old that I began to feel this intense desire to create once more, so I began making clothing items & things for my girls & others. I consider myself to be creative, but haven't been able to pinpoint until today why this has become so important to me:
I recently opened a shop on Etsy, Hope & Faith Creations. But it wasn't thought through well so I closed down to rethink my plan. Today, after hearing of some friends' devastating loss of their son, I believe the true reason for the creation of Hope & Faith has been given to me by Him: Hope & Faith Creations will reopen in late August in honor of our children, Karsen Hope & Owynne Faith. God has blessed my husband & me with two amazing, wonderful, beautiful girls & now it is time to pay it forward. So we will honor all children by donating a percentage of sales to an organization helping & protecting children each quarter.
To honor the babies that were born too early & have gone Home & the babies who fought so hard to stay here, Hope & Faith Creations will collect 10% from each sale in August through December to donate to the March of Dimes.
Please consider visiting the shop upon its reopening & help support our futures....
Friday, July 16, 2010
as defined in our house today: dress up, pizza lunch, bottles, princess search book, & 4 girls under the age of 4 resting quietly --- & simultaneously --- for 35 minutes. HOO & RAY. Did I mention the toy explosion in the living room?
I do believe I have jinxed myself because I now hear both babies & two big girls talking. Next up: pedicures, drawing on the windows, & a movie date with Tiana . Have I mentioned I L-O-V-E my new job?
I do believe I have jinxed myself because I now hear both babies & two big girls talking. Next up: pedicures, drawing on the windows, & a movie date with Tiana . Have I mentioned I L-O-V-E my new job?
Thursday, July 15, 2010
I will have a party at my house. A party with a 5 month old, an 8 month old, a 3 1/2 year old, a 4 year old, & a dog. All girls. All day. May the force be with me.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Ain't Too Proud to Beg....
So, I want know how the heck I become one of those cool people companies just send stuff to. You know, to test out. Give my opinion. Keep it. Love it. Blog about it. I have made a greedyrific small list of things I feel I really need to test out. And keep:
* Step 2 friends, my children could really use a playhouse. A cottage would be lovely; something that several little ones can play in at once. How about this one? Or this one? I'm --- er, I mean, they ---- are not picky....
* Dear Vera Bradley, there are several items of yours I feel my family could really provide a lot of feedback for....The Weekender in Night & Day or Paprika would make the hours long car rides to see family more bearable. Really anything in either pattern a cool, hip mom of two sassies could use my opinion. My husband would look FABTACULAR in the Loves Me necktie. The girls could use matching Audrey handbags. Sure, Owynne is only 8 months old, but it's never too early to learn about cute bags. Preferably ones in the Loves Me pattern....Or the Cupcake patterns.
* Krylon compadres. Your marketing department could definitely benefit from my opinions on your many spray paint colors & chalkboard paint. I heart spray paint.
* I am ADDICTED to buttons, so I am certain I could provide valuable input on this, Discount School Supply people. A fewhundred 3lb bags ought to be enough for me to determine an opinion.
* For those of you who know me well, I am a bit of a nail polish hound. I am raising the girls to love it as well. So here's you to, OPI. Thanks in advance.
* Ribbon, ribbon, ribbon. I love ribbon!!!! In particular, I love grosgrain ribbon. So, neighbors at Offray, I would LOVE to provide you with my discerning opinion on any & all of your grosgrain ribbon products.
* And, last but certainly not least, I have recently become completely infatuated with FABRIC. I think I would make a most excellent reviewer for the latest Michael Miller , Alexander Henry , Moda, Robert Kaufman, & Mary Engelbreit fabrics. I would also be fantastic at reviewing any out of date or retired fabrics you may have laying about your warehouses....
So there you have it. As you can clearly see I would make an outstanding asset to any of these Research & Marketing teams. Tell your friends, companies.
I truly do love all the wonderful items I have listed here; I have not been paid monetarily by these companies to say these things. Nor have I been provided product ---- yet.
* Step 2 friends, my children could really use a playhouse. A cottage would be lovely; something that several little ones can play in at once. How about this one? Or this one? I'm --- er, I mean, they ---- are not picky....
* Dear Vera Bradley, there are several items of yours I feel my family could really provide a lot of feedback for....The Weekender in Night & Day or Paprika would make the hours long car rides to see family more bearable. Really anything in either pattern a cool, hip mom of two sassies could use my opinion. My husband would look FABTACULAR in the Loves Me necktie. The girls could use matching Audrey handbags. Sure, Owynne is only 8 months old, but it's never too early to learn about cute bags. Preferably ones in the Loves Me pattern....Or the Cupcake patterns.
* Krylon compadres. Your marketing department could definitely benefit from my opinions on your many spray paint colors & chalkboard paint. I heart spray paint.
* I am ADDICTED to buttons, so I am certain I could provide valuable input on this, Discount School Supply people. A few
* For those of you who know me well, I am a bit of a nail polish hound. I am raising the girls to love it as well. So here's you to, OPI. Thanks in advance.
* Ribbon, ribbon, ribbon. I love ribbon!!!! In particular, I love grosgrain ribbon. So, neighbors at Offray, I would LOVE to provide you with my discerning opinion on any & all of your grosgrain ribbon products.
* And, last but certainly not least, I have recently become completely infatuated with FABRIC. I think I would make a most excellent reviewer for the latest Michael Miller , Alexander Henry , Moda, Robert Kaufman, & Mary Engelbreit fabrics. I would also be fantastic at reviewing any out of date or retired fabrics you may have laying about your warehouses....
So there you have it. As you can clearly see I would make an outstanding asset to any of these Research & Marketing teams. Tell your friends, companies.
I truly do love all the wonderful items I have listed here; I have not been paid monetarily by these companies to say these things. Nor have I been provided product ---- yet.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
My New J-O-B
Four days into my new job, & I am completely convinced I have made the right choice for me & my family. I have joined a large, family oriented organization, SAHM. Here are my new bosses:
These two are the most demanding, loudest, most critical bosses I have ever had. But they are also the most forgiving, wonderful, fun, & downright loving bosses I have ever had. I couldn't have asked for a better career move....
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
OK, so I stumbled across a cute website
She has all kinds of fun product info, recipes, & LOTS of awesome giveaways! She's having a giveaway right now for this: It's for a great store ---- ---- I have added it to my faves so I have instant access to all of DownEast Basic's cute stuff! You should go take a look!!
She has all kinds of fun product info, recipes, & LOTS of awesome giveaways! She's having a giveaway right now for this: It's for a great store ---- ---- I have added it to my faves so I have instant access to all of DownEast Basic's cute stuff! You should go take a look!!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
5/19/2010: Why in the world is it so flippin' hard for me to take care of myself? I will take care of other people until the cows come home, but refuse to take time for myself. It. Is. ANNOYING.
Right now I am watching "Ruby" on the Style network & a lady on the show just said, "I enjoy being a servant." What in the holy hell?!?! I completely get what she is saying, but I don't feel like I necessarily enjoy it....I feel like it's just something I need to do: take care of others. Others? Who?! Babies, husband, puppy, friends, family, nieces, nephews, cousins, work....And when people say to me "Hey Jennifer, do you need anything?" or "Can I help you do anything?" my response is almost always "Nope, I'm good! Thanks, though!" What is wrong with me that I don't allow others to help me or take care of me?
***EDIT***5/25/2010: WOW. It is WEIRD to me that I started this a week ago & had, what can only be described as, a "Come to Jesus" meeting with my husband about this exact thing four days later. He called me out on a lot of things I didn't even realize I was doing ---- or in my case, not doing.
For as long as I can remember I have consistently assumed the role of caregiver. I chose a career path in which I would be serving & caring for others. In fact, if I really think about it, I could even go so far as to say I also appointed myself the role of savior. OK, I don't know if "savior" is exactly the most appropriate word to use; after all my name is not Jesus, it's Jennifer. But I constantly find myself trying to "save" someone. Save someone from an addiction, a bad relationship, pain, themselves....I grab up as much of their pain, heartache, & suffering that I can hold on to so they don't have to. Throughout my career I've taken physical abuse & hateful words from children because I know their tiny little hearts can't take all the pain inflicted on them by others. I allow it because I am adult & should be able to handle the burden, pain, & shame that comes with some of the things these children have been through. I take it & lock it away; I put it on a shelf in the back corner of my mind & my heart so it can't hurt anyone anymore. I find myself doing this with adults too.
At some point in my teenage/young adult years I must have gotten a tattoo on my forehead that reads "TELL ME ALL YOUR SHIT. DON'T WORRY, I'LL TAKE CARE OF IT FOR YOU!" Yeah, I am "that" person. And if you're one of "those" people you know exactly what I am talking about. I carry around so much baggage daily that is not my own that perhaps you should contact me if you've ever lost luggage in an airport. I bet I have it stored away in my brain....Or my heart.
Reading this over I sound a bit whiny & melodramatic. After all, it's not like I've ever stopped anyone from telling me things. "Nope, sorry. Can't hear about your break up/alcohol addiction/unwanted pregnancy/work issues today. I've got gardening to do!" I mean, honestly. Who does that? I'd want someone to listen to me if I had problems. Oh, wait, I DO HAVE PROBLEMS. Maybe if I could lift some of my own burdens I'd be better equipped to carry the loads of others more effectively. But lifting your burdens means you must face them, & I am TERRIBLE at that. I would rather face a mountain of others' burdens than address even one of my own. Don't know why; never been good at it. I don't know if, like monsters in the closet, I think they'll disappear if I ignore them long enough or if it's because admitting I have pain & sorrow means they will come at me with a vengeance & eventually break me. In my twisted sense of reality admitting these feelings to others means you are weak. And I don't like being weak. In fact, in pisses me right off. I like to be in control & I like to know what's next.
None of this really makes a lot of sense, but whatever. Bottom line: I don't know how to take care of myself, but I am learning.
Right now I am watching "Ruby" on the Style network & a lady on the show just said, "I enjoy being a servant." What in the holy hell?!?! I completely get what she is saying, but I don't feel like I necessarily enjoy it....I feel like it's just something I need to do: take care of others. Others? Who?! Babies, husband, puppy, friends, family, nieces, nephews, cousins, work....And when people say to me "Hey Jennifer, do you need anything?" or "Can I help you do anything?" my response is almost always "Nope, I'm good! Thanks, though!" What is wrong with me that I don't allow others to help me or take care of me?
***EDIT***5/25/2010: WOW. It is WEIRD to me that I started this a week ago & had, what can only be described as, a "Come to Jesus" meeting with my husband about this exact thing four days later. He called me out on a lot of things I didn't even realize I was doing ---- or in my case, not doing.
For as long as I can remember I have consistently assumed the role of caregiver. I chose a career path in which I would be serving & caring for others. In fact, if I really think about it, I could even go so far as to say I also appointed myself the role of savior. OK, I don't know if "savior" is exactly the most appropriate word to use; after all my name is not Jesus, it's Jennifer. But I constantly find myself trying to "save" someone. Save someone from an addiction, a bad relationship, pain, themselves....I grab up as much of their pain, heartache, & suffering that I can hold on to so they don't have to. Throughout my career I've taken physical abuse & hateful words from children because I know their tiny little hearts can't take all the pain inflicted on them by others. I allow it because I am adult & should be able to handle the burden, pain, & shame that comes with some of the things these children have been through. I take it & lock it away; I put it on a shelf in the back corner of my mind & my heart so it can't hurt anyone anymore. I find myself doing this with adults too.
At some point in my teenage/young adult years I must have gotten a tattoo on my forehead that reads "TELL ME ALL YOUR SHIT. DON'T WORRY, I'LL TAKE CARE OF IT FOR YOU!" Yeah, I am "that" person. And if you're one of "those" people you know exactly what I am talking about. I carry around so much baggage daily that is not my own that perhaps you should contact me if you've ever lost luggage in an airport. I bet I have it stored away in my brain....Or my heart.
Reading this over I sound a bit whiny & melodramatic. After all, it's not like I've ever stopped anyone from telling me things. "Nope, sorry. Can't hear about your break up/alcohol addiction/unwanted pregnancy/work issues today. I've got gardening to do!" I mean, honestly. Who does that? I'd want someone to listen to me if I had problems. Oh, wait, I DO HAVE PROBLEMS. Maybe if I could lift some of my own burdens I'd be better equipped to carry the loads of others more effectively. But lifting your burdens means you must face them, & I am TERRIBLE at that. I would rather face a mountain of others' burdens than address even one of my own. Don't know why; never been good at it. I don't know if, like monsters in the closet, I think they'll disappear if I ignore them long enough or if it's because admitting I have pain & sorrow means they will come at me with a vengeance & eventually break me. In my twisted sense of reality admitting these feelings to others means you are weak. And I don't like being weak. In fact, in pisses me right off. I like to be in control & I like to know what's next.
None of this really makes a lot of sense, but whatever. Bottom line: I don't know how to take care of myself, but I am learning.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Here's what I do when I am feeling down in the dumps....
Shoes. Shoes make everything better. When I feel a little sad, I play dress up in my closet with my shoes. I love my shoes. Heels. Tennies. Flip flops. Mules. Slippers. Flats. More tennies. Wedges....Polka dots. Zebra print. Stripes. Gold sequins....Fake purple iridescent snakeskin. And I HATE snakes, but I looooove those shoesies. Bottom line: Shoes make everything better.
The End.
Monday, May 10, 2010
What. In. The. World.
I am watching "Yo Gabba Gabba" for the first time ever & have never been more frightened in all my life. Some crazy dude with a drawn on 'stache just screamed a song at me about a pool party & now the blue thing & the green striped thing are jumpy jump jump jumping. Oh, & here come two other things. NIGHTMARES FOR DAYS.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Here We GO!
My Etsy Shop is up & running!
It's a little bare right now, but I hope to add more items very soon! I am so excited to start this journey & FINALLY have the guts to do something so close to my heart....
It's a little bare right now, but I hope to add more items very soon! I am so excited to start this journey & FINALLY have the guts to do something so close to my heart....
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Hope & Faith Creations' New Home
Hope & Faith Creations' very own Etsy Shop is almost ready! The link will take you to an empty shop now, but soon it will be filled with all kinds of amazingly tacky items for babies, kiddos, & your home ---- all made by me. Here are a few sneak peeks:
Hope & Faith Creations' very own Etsy Shop is almost ready! The link will take you to an empty shop now, but soon it will be filled with all kinds of amazingly tacky items for babies, kiddos, & your home ---- all made by me. Here are a few sneak peeks:
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month
April is nationally recognized as Child Abuse Prevention Month....Like most things that have been linked to an "awareness ribbon", I wonder why child abuse prevention has been relegated to just one month out of 12. Shouldn't we do our part to prevent our youngest friends, family members, neighbors, & even strangers, from abuse every day? I think so. But child abuse isn't something people like to think or talk about, much less acknowledge that it occurs on an all too regular basis. I suppose this would be the reason we have a designated month to bring this gigantic problem to the forefront: to raise awareness & hopefully change mindsets to realize the children in our lives are OUR responsibility.
I have worked in environments most of my adult life where I have witnessed the tragic effects abuse has on young children. One would think after 10+ years I have developed a thicker skin or hardened my heart against the things I have seen; nothing could be further from the truth. Names may have escaped my memory, but the children's stories & the tolls taken on their young lives have not. I have been hit, kicked, spit on, & scratched by children who know only these actions as appropriate ways to respond to another person. I have been called countless names, including "stupid bitch", "fucker", & recently, "shithole" by children who have probably heard these words far more than their own name. I have witnessed children become out of control & nearly impossible to calm down during a simple nap time at school because laying down to sleep means, to them, someone is going to come & sexually assault me so I have to stay awake. I have met children who have no idea how to feel or handle their emotions because they have been neglected by those who are supposed to care for them. A gentle hug or pat on the back might send them into a sensory overloaded tailspin because they rarely receive physical contact. Sometimes children are not the direct target of the abuse, but they witness someone else being abused. Witnessing abuse can be just as devastating to a child as actually being abused. Children may have nightmares or develop physical symptoms such as stomach & head aches as a result of any of these assaults on their little lives. Their behavior almost certainly may change. A child may begin wetting the bed at night or become overly clingy or aggressive.
Children simply have to live within the situation in which they are put. Most of the time children have no say in what goes on in their lives. It is our responsibility as teachers, neighbors, family members, friends, & even the person passing by to do what we can to protect our children. If you witness a child being abused or a child discloses to you he/she is being hurt by someone, or even if you have a suspicion you MUST REPORT. Every state has a hotline number you can call to report child abuse, neglect, or endangerment. I urge you, I am pleading with you to find this number in your area & keep it with you. I pray you will NEVER have to use it, but you may potentially save a child's life by making one call.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Ode to the Tumbleweed
Tumbleweed, Oh Tumbleweed
In fabulous G-Town;
You will always & forever
Turn my frown upside-down....
Your backyard's a train track,
The patio? Brand new.
When I first walked through your door
I knew my dreams had come true!
With your mullets & dart boards,
Your chandeliers, your perms
I'm eternally grateful
I haven't caught any germs.
Karaoke nights
With Mac & Cheese bites.
Cops & handcuffs,
Girls getting in fights!
Bedazzled jeans pockets
To match my best friend;
People are packed together:
End to end!
White folks are dancin'
Entirely too fast,
The fun never stops ----
It lasts & lasts!
Tumbleweed, oh Tumbleweed!
I will never be blue!
Tumbleweed, oh Tumbleweed!
I'll forever be true!
In fabulous G-Town;
You will always & forever
Turn my frown upside-down....
Your backyard's a train track,
The patio? Brand new.
When I first walked through your door
I knew my dreams had come true!
With your mullets & dart boards,
Your chandeliers, your perms
I'm eternally grateful
I haven't caught any germs.
Karaoke nights
With Mac & Cheese bites.
Cops & handcuffs,
Girls getting in fights!
Bedazzled jeans pockets
To match my best friend;
People are packed together:
End to end!
White folks are dancin'
Entirely too fast,
The fun never stops ----
It lasts & lasts!
Tumbleweed, oh Tumbleweed!
I will never be blue!
Tumbleweed, oh Tumbleweed!
I'll forever be true!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Sunday, February 14, 2010
For My Husband....
My husband drives me crazy every day. In many ways he is a "typical" guy. He leaves the toilet seat up. He leaves his underwear & socks laying in the bathroom (well, I do too so I'll forgive him this one). Most of the time all the travel coffee cups are either on the counter, dirty, or his his car, dirty, so I can't use one when I need one. He toots. A lot. And it stinks. A lot....
But I love him.
We met when I was 20 years old & he was only eighteen, barely, in August of 1995. I had just been kicked square in the heart & ass by my very first "adult" relationship & was in a lot of overwhelming emotional pain. I had been shattered into a billion (still seems like too small a number) pieces & I did not have the time or the emotional strength to handle another relationship. But there he was, all six foot two of him. Eighteen year old, soul patch having, Shaggy hairdo wearing, college freshman. And scrawny; I'm pretty sure I have outweighed him most of our relationship (I'm not bitter). He was an obnoxious little flirt in 1995 & still is, almost fifteen years later. That's part of the reason I fell for him. I was having such a horrible time getting past my feelings of loss, rejection, & pain from my previous relationship that I couldn't see how anyone could possibly be attracted to me or want to spend time with me. I had been dumped, after all, & for someone else at that! I wasn't good enough; I did not deserve love. Surely he would see that, this little freshman man-child that kept flirting with me. Sitting across from me at lunch everyday with the same Ron Jon Surf Shop hat & band jacket (hey, don't judge, we all wore them). He would see how worthless I was, I thought, & he will go away too. Don't let him in, even though he's made you smile & feel warm inside for the first time in months....
Well, he didn't go away. He asked me out on our first date: the Phi Mu Alpha Homecoming dance. One of the reasons I fall more in love with my husband every day is he remembers the exact day of our first date. I remember it was October & 1995, but I can never remember if it was the 26th or 29th. But he does. I remember being so nervous & not being able to figure out why. He's just a kid & we're just going to this dance to have a good time, I thought. That night, October, whatever, 1995 would change the rest of my life. We didn't spend much time together for most of the night. It was weird, kind of like when you "go" with someone to a junior high dance & you spend more time with your friends than the person you "went" with. But then, near the end of the night, he pulled me on the dance floor; he held me close. And I felt every cold, awful, sad, painful feeling I'd felt for the longest nearly five months of my life disappear. I felt safe & I felt like I was home.
Our relationship for most of the rest of our college careers was rocky, at best. The details are ridiculous, & seem so stupid now. We broke up seven times (ridiculous, I say), mostly because, no matter how much I wanted to, I could not shake my feelings of inadequacy & pain. To top it off, I had no closure from the other relationship (still haven't, by the way) & part if me continued to hold out hope that he would come crawling back to me, saying he made a horrible mistake choosing her over me & wanted to be with me forever. Having these feelings made me feel even worse for being with my little freshman & not being able to give him what he deserved, so I pushed him away. I can't even describe how tangled & tortured I felt. I wanted so badly to give all of myself to him, to forget the past & allow him to love me, let myself love him. That's alI wanted, but I just couldn't do it.
I really should have sought out some therapy. Jesus.
But we also had some fantastic times together. We would go to the Union to get sub sandwiches, bring them back to my room, & watch 90210 & Melrose Place together every week. I always slept with my face in between his shoulder blades. I fit so perfectly, it was like I was meant to be there. We walked through campus holding hands & trying to dodge the damn starlings that dropped bombs of crap every 6 inches. We shared a love of 80's hairband love ballads (I am listening to one right now). He even made me a mixed tape of them once. He didn't care that I loved wearing sweatpants more than anything else (still do). We would sit for hours in the middle of the night & watch the rain come down. It was raining the first time I told him I loved him. He told me he loved me several months before, but the words simply would not come out of my mouth. Saying 'I love you' to someone I'm in a relationship with has never been an easy thing for me to do. Saying 'I love you' makes you & your heart vulnerable. I refused to allow myself to be that vulnerable again, even though I loved him with all of what were the broken pieces of my heart at the time.
But I was still struggling with the pain inside & I finally got to a point where I just couldn't handle myself or my life anymore. My grades were terrible. I had trouble sleeping, & when I did I felt like I could sleep forever. There were a lot of other factors I won't get into; I am attempting to leave them behind. But, in the Fall of 1996 (a lot of drama for one damn year, huh?), I made the decision to leave school & go home for a while. I do not regret my decision to leave. I HAD to leave the environment that was causing me so much pain so I could get healthy again & return to "me". I needed to heal myself so I would be able to give myself, & my heart, to the one who deserved it. But I hurt my little freshman immensely. We were together at the time of my decision, & even though he told me he understood why I was leaving, I knew it hurt him. He later told me he felt abandoned. He ended things shortly after I came home & I tried for the next year to get him back from three hours away. He did not return my phone calls, emails, or have anything to do with me. He was angry & hurt. Well, then I got angry & hurt. How dare he, I thought, I'll show him. I had a decision to make: Do I stay at home & forget everything? Move on? Do I forget how hard I fought to get myself better so I could be the person I deserved? The person he deserved? Or do I go back there & fight for him? Well, my ego got the better of me. I'll go back there, I said. Make him see how much better I am & how amazing I am (self-righteous, much?). So much for a perfect storybook ending. I went back to school & things were certainly not any less boring than they were before. We got together & broke up several more times (I think these were included in the seven times, but I lose count). We love each other, but want to be "free". Lots of yelling matches, tears, & name calling. We wanted the same thing; we just happened to want it at different times. Wow, we were one big ball of FUBAR.
In January of 1999 our life would change again. My little freshman & I hadn't spoken in months after a particularly brutal fight (no fisticuffs, just words), even though we lived a block from each other & saw each other several times a week at parties. My friends convinced me to enter a karaoke (oh, karaoke) contest & I made it to the finals. His best friend basically threw him in a car & drove him to the bar the night of the final contest. I was surprised as hell to see him there & even more surprised when he asked me to dinner for the next night so we could talk. The rest of the details are a blur, but a year & a half later we were married. We finally came to the same conclusion at the same time: We could not live without each other. He proposed to me on the fourth anniversary of our first date.
We will be married for 10 years in August, but have been in love for nearly fifteen years. In that time he has given me joy, happiness, support, strength, security, love beyond what I thought I was worthy of, & two beautiful girls. He dances with me in the kitchen, acts out Styx songs with me in the car, & still thinks I am beautiful. He's also driven me to Crazy Town more times than I can count.
Although our road traveled has been filled with potholes, twists & turns, & some big drop-offs I wouldn't want to have traveled it with anyone but my little freshman.
Happy Valentine's Day, Christopher. I love you more than any words can describe.
But I love him.
We met when I was 20 years old & he was only eighteen, barely, in August of 1995. I had just been kicked square in the heart & ass by my very first "adult" relationship & was in a lot of overwhelming emotional pain. I had been shattered into a billion (still seems like too small a number) pieces & I did not have the time or the emotional strength to handle another relationship. But there he was, all six foot two of him. Eighteen year old, soul patch having, Shaggy hairdo wearing, college freshman. And scrawny; I'm pretty sure I have outweighed him most of our relationship (I'm not bitter). He was an obnoxious little flirt in 1995 & still is, almost fifteen years later. That's part of the reason I fell for him. I was having such a horrible time getting past my feelings of loss, rejection, & pain from my previous relationship that I couldn't see how anyone could possibly be attracted to me or want to spend time with me. I had been dumped, after all, & for someone else at that! I wasn't good enough; I did not deserve love. Surely he would see that, this little freshman man-child that kept flirting with me. Sitting across from me at lunch everyday with the same Ron Jon Surf Shop hat & band jacket (hey, don't judge, we all wore them). He would see how worthless I was, I thought, & he will go away too. Don't let him in, even though he's made you smile & feel warm inside for the first time in months....
Well, he didn't go away. He asked me out on our first date: the Phi Mu Alpha Homecoming dance. One of the reasons I fall more in love with my husband every day is he remembers the exact day of our first date. I remember it was October & 1995, but I can never remember if it was the 26th or 29th. But he does. I remember being so nervous & not being able to figure out why. He's just a kid & we're just going to this dance to have a good time, I thought. That night, October, whatever, 1995 would change the rest of my life. We didn't spend much time together for most of the night. It was weird, kind of like when you "go" with someone to a junior high dance & you spend more time with your friends than the person you "went" with. But then, near the end of the night, he pulled me on the dance floor; he held me close. And I felt every cold, awful, sad, painful feeling I'd felt for the longest nearly five months of my life disappear. I felt safe & I felt like I was home.
Our relationship for most of the rest of our college careers was rocky, at best. The details are ridiculous, & seem so stupid now. We broke up seven times (ridiculous, I say), mostly because, no matter how much I wanted to, I could not shake my feelings of inadequacy & pain. To top it off, I had no closure from the other relationship (still haven't, by the way) & part if me continued to hold out hope that he would come crawling back to me, saying he made a horrible mistake choosing her over me & wanted to be with me forever. Having these feelings made me feel even worse for being with my little freshman & not being able to give him what he deserved, so I pushed him away. I can't even describe how tangled & tortured I felt. I wanted so badly to give all of myself to him, to forget the past & allow him to love me, let myself love him. That's alI wanted, but I just couldn't do it.
I really should have sought out some therapy. Jesus.
But we also had some fantastic times together. We would go to the Union to get sub sandwiches, bring them back to my room, & watch 90210 & Melrose Place together every week. I always slept with my face in between his shoulder blades. I fit so perfectly, it was like I was meant to be there. We walked through campus holding hands & trying to dodge the damn starlings that dropped bombs of crap every 6 inches. We shared a love of 80's hairband love ballads (I am listening to one right now). He even made me a mixed tape of them once. He didn't care that I loved wearing sweatpants more than anything else (still do). We would sit for hours in the middle of the night & watch the rain come down. It was raining the first time I told him I loved him. He told me he loved me several months before, but the words simply would not come out of my mouth. Saying 'I love you' to someone I'm in a relationship with has never been an easy thing for me to do. Saying 'I love you' makes you & your heart vulnerable. I refused to allow myself to be that vulnerable again, even though I loved him with all of what were the broken pieces of my heart at the time.
But I was still struggling with the pain inside & I finally got to a point where I just couldn't handle myself or my life anymore. My grades were terrible. I had trouble sleeping, & when I did I felt like I could sleep forever. There were a lot of other factors I won't get into; I am attempting to leave them behind. But, in the Fall of 1996 (a lot of drama for one damn year, huh?), I made the decision to leave school & go home for a while. I do not regret my decision to leave. I HAD to leave the environment that was causing me so much pain so I could get healthy again & return to "me". I needed to heal myself so I would be able to give myself, & my heart, to the one who deserved it. But I hurt my little freshman immensely. We were together at the time of my decision, & even though he told me he understood why I was leaving, I knew it hurt him. He later told me he felt abandoned. He ended things shortly after I came home & I tried for the next year to get him back from three hours away. He did not return my phone calls, emails, or have anything to do with me. He was angry & hurt. Well, then I got angry & hurt. How dare he, I thought, I'll show him. I had a decision to make: Do I stay at home & forget everything? Move on? Do I forget how hard I fought to get myself better so I could be the person I deserved? The person he deserved? Or do I go back there & fight for him? Well, my ego got the better of me. I'll go back there, I said. Make him see how much better I am & how amazing I am (self-righteous, much?). So much for a perfect storybook ending. I went back to school & things were certainly not any less boring than they were before. We got together & broke up several more times (I think these were included in the seven times, but I lose count). We love each other, but want to be "free". Lots of yelling matches, tears, & name calling. We wanted the same thing; we just happened to want it at different times. Wow, we were one big ball of FUBAR.
In January of 1999 our life would change again. My little freshman & I hadn't spoken in months after a particularly brutal fight (no fisticuffs, just words), even though we lived a block from each other & saw each other several times a week at parties. My friends convinced me to enter a karaoke (oh, karaoke) contest & I made it to the finals. His best friend basically threw him in a car & drove him to the bar the night of the final contest. I was surprised as hell to see him there & even more surprised when he asked me to dinner for the next night so we could talk. The rest of the details are a blur, but a year & a half later we were married. We finally came to the same conclusion at the same time: We could not live without each other. He proposed to me on the fourth anniversary of our first date.
We will be married for 10 years in August, but have been in love for nearly fifteen years. In that time he has given me joy, happiness, support, strength, security, love beyond what I thought I was worthy of, & two beautiful girls. He dances with me in the kitchen, acts out Styx songs with me in the car, & still thinks I am beautiful. He's also driven me to Crazy Town more times than I can count.
Although our road traveled has been filled with potholes, twists & turns, & some big drop-offs I wouldn't want to have traveled it with anyone but my little freshman.
Happy Valentine's Day, Christopher. I love you more than any words can describe.
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