Thursday, November 24, 2011

On Being Thankful

* I am thankful for music & all the magical qualities it possesses
* I am thankful for my husband, the growth we've experienced together, & our future
* I am thankful for our happy, healthy, beautiful girls
* I am thankful for Pinterest & the time I waste  utillize researching new creative endeavors
* I am thankful for my mommy & my daddy
* I am thankful for my kickass sister & brother
* I am thankful for friends
* I am thankful for sweatpants
* I am thankful for sleep
* I am thankful for my sewing machine
* I am thankful for dance parties in the kitchen 
* I am thankful for every person that has ever walked in to my life as a lesson, a blessing, or a blesson
* I am thankful for knowing myself, staying true to who I am, & never apologizing for it
* I am thankful for ponytail holders
* I am thankful for socks
* I am thankful for books; I love them 
* I am thankful for sunshine

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sunday is Late Again, But Lesson Worthy

Good point, Al.
Big Al is right, you know. Nothing good ever came from standing idly by, sheepishly watching while people do harm to others, our world, or themselves. Stand up. 

Friday, November 4, 2011

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Icky Weather Fun

The weather has finally taken a real turn for the ick, bringing rain, cold temps, & cooties. To raise our spirits, O & I decided to do some baking. For all my baking friends reading this, do not judge me on what you're about to see. It was fast & easy ---- the perfect combination for baking with a little Weasel. 
 That's it. You just mix them together:

Then, because it doesn't have any raw egg that may cause botulism or whatev, you get to lick the bowl!

 Here's what it looks like when it's all done:

And it's delish.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Whoopsie It's Tuesday So Should Post the Sundayness

 Funny Music Ecard: Why, yes. Yes I DO frequently burst into song, damnit.

I honestly do this multiple times a day. I'm sure my family & friends would say having me in their lives is like living in a musical. I can find a song lyric for just about any scenario; if I can't find a song that fits I'll make up my own.  If you have yet to burst into song I highly recommend you give it a try ---- It's awesome.